ALL&SUN EM480A Insulation Resistance Tester

[주요 사항]


Insulation Resistance Tester

Test voltage can be changed by the rotary switch
LED used as normally working indicator under high voltage condition
Audible continuity

AC 700V 1V 1.5%rdg +5 dgts
200Ω 0.1Ω 1.0%rdg +3 dgts
2000M/250V 1K <200MΩ 3%rdg+3dgts
200MΩ/500V 1K >200MΩ 5%rdg+5dgts

Power:1.5V(AA) × 6
Dimensions (W × L × T):110×168×62 mm
Weight:485g (with battery)

Battery; Users Manual; Carry bag; Belt; Special test leads